Wednesday 6 March 2013

LIFE oh LIFE....

“If you were given a chance to re-live your life, what would you do??……”

We all have been asked & have asked this question to someone or the other. Back then, I never really gave a thought to it but would promptly reply….”I want to go back to the good old days of my childhood…or maybe go back & rectified the mistakes or regrets made” Ideally, childhood days are always the simpler times with no cares of the world to bow us down but now that I think of it, we all had the same share of struggles & joys in its own way.

Today as I sat down & ponder more on this thought. I realized I never want o re-live my life whatsoever. I had my share of joys, laughter & tears and I sure did a hell lot of mistakes back then. Despite all, I have not wish to re-do anything. Everything I did or did not do when I should, have brought me to where I am today & I wouldn’t trade for anything less. My Today will be another good old day tomorrow & someday I’ll look back & smile because it was life and I lived it.

It’s not like the life I have right now is perfect. It’s still the same maybe a little better or maybe even worse. Its hard to say when you wake up one day to find all things going your way & the next, you wake up feeling like the whole damn world is against you. You sit there thinking you’re never getting a break from the misfortunes….then somewhere along the lines things turn around & you realized life is not so bad after all. So, yeah….it’s a daily challenge to live the best way I can, make the most of what life throws in my path.

Life sometimes can be nothing but ironic. Problems will creep up when you least expect. People you thought would never turn their back on you will do. The loved ones are always taken away too soon. You will have your heart broken maybe, over & over. The perfect life you hope for can turn into your worst nightmare. Yes, Life is never easy, that doesn’t mean it’s hard either. It just has a little bit of everything & maybe that’s the beauty of the whole concept of life. 

I always like to believe “Everything happens for a reason, a BETTER reason and that everything have its own time” We just need to have a little more faith & hope for the best. Nobody has it easy, everybody have problems & we’re all fighting our own war some way or the other. And at the end of the day no matter what, it always comes right down to how we see life – Our “Attitude towards life”. We can either sit there & creep about how unfair life is or we can learn to let go of some things in life, click our heels, pat our backs, pick-up the pieces and move on. It’s easier said then done…but then again its not impossible.

So, here’s to all of us…. Life goes on - not always the way we had envisioned it would be, but always the way it’s supposed to be. Remember, we’re never too old, never too bad, never too late, and never too sick to start a new beginning. Maybe we can’t choose the music life plays for us, but we can always choose how we dance to it.  Take a chance, make mistakes…No one is perfect. That is how we all grow. Don’t give up on Life; after all we just got one to live. Make it worth. CHEERS!!!

DISCLAIMER NOTE: I do not claim ownership in any of these photos, unless stated otherwise. Copyright still belongs to its rightful owner of each work.


  1. I want to go back to school and the date the girl i have never dated. Ahahaha.....Love it :)
    Zhoniu's Art

  2. ...And I thought you said you were not good at it.
